Leia na íntegra a carta convite para o Dr. Abdo Farret participar como palestrante no evento ICC-2015, em Shanghai na China.
Dear Dr. A.N. Farret,
It is our great pleasure to formally announce BIT’s 7th Annual International Congress of Cardiology (ICC-2015) with the theme “Bring New Vitality into Life” will be held in Shanghai, China duringDecember 4-6, 2015. On behalf of the organizing committee of ICC-2015, we officially welcome you todeliver a speech at this grand event.
The Annual International Congress of Cardiology (ICC) has been successfully organized for 6 years, every year the world-renowned experts, professors, laboratory principals, project leaders and representatives of well-known enterprises were invited to attend the ICC. And ICC has got consistent approval and widespread praise.
ICC-2015 will be a dynamic forum for all cardiologists, scientists, healthcare professionals, and medical executives around the world to discuss and share knowledge about the latest scientific discoveries and current industry standards. Outstanding keynote speakers and well known experts around the globe will be expected to share their knowledge at this grand event.
Since you are the prominent expert in your field, your unique and inspirational speech will highlight the congress. We would like to welcome you to be the speaker in Session 3-2: TAVI / Peripheral / Endovascular Interventions. If you think the Session is not the most suitable, please choose another one from the following website: http://www.bitcongress.com/icc2015/scientificprogram.asp
It will be a good opportunity to share scientific information and the latest advances, to exchange expertise in cardiology, to renew our friendship, and to increase worldwide collaboration.
If you want to know more information about the conference, please visit:
We cordially hope you can join the ICC-2015, and enjoy your stay in Shanghai, which is the commercial and financial center of China, and it is also a sign of modernization, internationalization and vogue, a thriving multi-cultural city.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Shanghai, China.
Sincerely yours,
Ms. Erin Han
Program Coordinator
Organizing Committee of ICC-2015