Preparation characterization and in vitro thrombolytic activity of a novel streptokinase foam.

Artigo que publiquei na revista americana – Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, gerado a partir da minha Tese de Doutorado sobre utilização de Estreptoquinase intra-trombo em forma de espuma.

“The in vitro thrombolytic activity study revealed that the streptokinase foam caused a 46.6 % of thrombus lysis after 30 min of experiment against 21 and 31 % of those of the foam without streptokinase and the regular streptokinase liquid solution, respectively. Thus, the use of CO2:albumin foam enhanced the in vitro thrombolytic effect of streptokinase, which indicates its potential as a novel vehicle for carrying and delivering streptokinase to targeted thrombi.”

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